Data Enrichment Surveys

Collect declarative data from your consumers by building a Data Enrichment Survey with questions referenced from the Question Library.

💡 This article covers

Using the Question Library

💼 What it does

  • Enables you to create list of questions that can be added to a Data Enrichment survey

🔨 How it works  

Note: This is an Enterprise feature. Please contact us at to upgrade to Enterprise.

  1. Select Question Library from the upper right corner of your dashboard.
  2. Click Add Question button to create a question.
  3. Select a question type.
  4. Click Create.

You can update the question, add frequency to a question and add a translation.

Creating a Data Enrichment survey

🔨 How it works  

  1. In your survey dahsboard, create a new survey by clicking the button + New survey.
  2. Select Data Enrichment as survey type.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Add a question from the list of questions created in your Question Library.

Note: Questions added to Data Enrichment surveys are not editable. You can only update it in your Question Library.