Segmanta's External Respondent Parameter, seg_erid

Denote a unique, external respondent ID from your source system into a survey, using URL query seg_erid, Segmanta's External Respondent Parameter.

💪 When to use it 

  • To denote a unique respondent that can be linked back to your integrations. If you are sending your survey to previously identified users from your source system (i.e. a Salesforce Record ID), it is recommended that you pass their ID to the Segmanta survey you are distributing by using seg_erid.
  • To ensure the survey experience’s consistency by identifying unique consumers and displaying their survey progress across different sessions, browsers, and devices. If the seg_erid is passed into a survey, the progress of that survey in a subsequent session will resume where a respondent with that seg_erid value last left off.

Pro-tip: For example, if a respondent takes a survey containing five questions and only completes three of those questions, in the next session that same respondent has the option to resume the survey from question four with his or her previous responses for questions 1-3 pre-filled out.

Passing the Segmanta External Respondent Value

In a non-embedded survey

  • A non-embedded survey is a survey that does not appear inside of a website and is distributed via URL. When using a non-embedded survey, the parameter name ‘seg_erid’ should be appended using an equivalent of the encodeURIComponent, while its value should change with each survey respondent and also be encoded using the equivalent of the encodeURIComponent.

Pro-tip: For example, if you would like to associate a Salesforce Record ID to each unique respondent of your survey, you would pass the seg_erid as a URL parameter by building your distribution link as follows:{$Salesforce_Record_ID}

Where publicID is a placeholder for the unique Segmanta ID for your survey that can be found in the Distribute > Link section of your survey’s editor and {$Salesforce_Record_ID} is a placeholder that should be replaced with each respondent’s Salesforce Record ID.

In an embedded survey

  • The Segmanta External Respondent Parameter can be passed to a survey embedded inside of a website either through Dynamic Embed or an in-line embed.

Pro-tip: For example, if you would like to associate a Salesforce Record ID to each unique respondent who takes your website survey, you could pass the seg_erid as a URL parameter by building your distribution link as follows:

"seg_erid": "{$Salesforce_Record_ID}"
where {$Salesforce_Record_ID} is a placeholder that should be replaced with each respondent’s Salesforce Record ID every time the respondent takes your website survey.
  • Surveys embedded via Dynamic Embed can also send events based on a unique seg_erid value.

Pro-tip: For example, by configuring the check_respondent_on_server parameter, you can interrogate the server via the seg_erid to understand whether the user has completed the surveys or not (default to false).

check_respondent_on_server: true,

In order to rely on the server for this, the 'seg_erid parameter' must be included in the global variable SEGMANTA__USER_METADATA embedded inside a script on your website, otherwise, the check will default to cookies.